LIST OF UPDATESV4.9 - (February 14, 2025) - Chunky update. No emails. Very lonely this Valentine's Day... V4.8.5 - (January 26, 2025) - Mini update with fun experimental page and new Taco Bell. No one emailed me yet :( V4.8 - (January 16, 2025) - Big update! 2 music videos, a favorite album, 2 cartoons I love, another Humongous Entertainment game, a new food review, poetry I've written, and a memorial to a departed friend! Wowee zowee! Also, new pizza and sodas added V4.7 - (December 15, 2024) - Album, a concert film, a Christmas surprise, 2 new games, and a cartoon; these are a few of my favorite things :) Also, updated dream journal through 2023 V4.6.5 - (November 23, 2024) - 2 music videos and a favorite music album V4.6 - (November 15, 2024) - Added 3 game reviews (one still in progress), 2 music videos, an in progress manga review, and a favorite music album. There's also some new soda, a new pizza pic, a new Supermarket Sweep episode, and 6 new girls added to the wall of waifu V4.5 - (November 9, 2024) - Added movie and 3 album reviews (not just song lists), as well as a review of a book series and a review for some manga I just read V4.4 - (November 3, 2024) - Added a movie review and 2 game reviews V4.3.5 - (November 1, 2024) - Added pizza page, a Takako Ohta album page, and a new music video V4.3 - (October 28, 2024) - Published complete overhaul of Lord Wyrm. It is now a wall and monument of all kinds of stuff that I really like. Life is too short to review crap I don't enjoy so I will limit doing that unless I suspect my mind could change in the future (ex. Xanadu OVA, which is bad, has good video games) V4.2 - (??? 2023) - Lord Wyrm's treasure hoard, just one simple page V4.1.5 (December 10, 2022) - Small update with a few more reviews: music, movies, and a game, Crusader Kings III, and a banner linking to the archive of Ulillillia's website on the front page. Looks really cool! V4.1 (November 27, 2022) - Fixed most of the videos, now hosted on, and added some music and movie reviews. V4.0.5 (November 20, 2022) - Deleted some files and hosted them on in order to not have to pay Neocities anymore. Still need to upload the videos, so don't go there! V4.0 (November 13, 2022) - I've completely remade and organized the website. V3.9 (October 31, 2022) - I added 2 new songs, expanded my Wall of Waifu with some new girls, and updated my diary desu. I read 1 book and watched some movies, which are added to the text file section. Lastly, I changed the backgrounds of some pages to be a bit easier to read. A lot of stuff actually! V3.8.5 (September 28, 2022) - I've been feeling quite sad lately, for no reason. I updated my diary desu and that's it. V3.8 (August 24, 2022) - 12 games... Ive made 12 games in RPGMaker! The latest is called Xanadu's Call, go check it out. I also brought back the old website look because I missed it. There are a few removed sections but also an added section with my diary desu. V3.7 (July 30, 2022) - Wow! My 11th game, I think, Terry's Journey. It might be favorite game so far and I hope you like it, too. Besides that, I totally overhauled the website, making it much less bloated. This way, I won't have to pay neocities anymore. V3.6 (June 20, 2022) - Yet another game because another made a weeklong game jam soon after mine. I also added 4 new songs to the music section. I didn't do as much as I planned because 1) I got sick and 2) other IRL family stuff. V3.5 (May 9, 2022) - I made ANOTHER game, Jimmy's Adventure III, updated the World of Warcraft progress, and added a new link to a really cool website. V3.4 (April 26, 2022) - I have a new game, Scooby Doo Z, for a game jam! Also, I added a section of my World of Warcraft adventures on a private server, which is what has been eating up a lot of my time (sorry). V3.3.5 (April 7, 2022) - I added a clean, unbloated set of pages that house a dream journal and reviews of many types, found on the home page. I also added a drawing and a screenshot. V3.3 (March 12, 2022) - I made my third album (find it in the music section), as well as a review of a new PS4 game (found in games duh) and some new drawings (picture section). V3.2 (February 17, 2022) - Valentine's Day... my bane... I changed some page music around, added a lot of new videos to watch, and there's a new RPGMaker game! Cool! V3.1.5 (January 1, 2022) - Happy New Year! I have made 1 episode of a webcomic (pictures section), and my top 10s of 2021 (bottom of home page). V3.1 (December 22, 2021) - HAPPY early 1 year anniversary to my website! And an early Merry Christmas and early New Year!! My last?! Maybe. Anyway, I added a lot, including new fonts, new pictures, fixing the video section, and a brand new game jam game from /vrpg/: Jimmy's Adventure II! V3.0 (November 24, 2021) - I DID IT! I finished my 2nd music album! Check it out in the music section! V2.9 (November 18, 2021) - There's a few new songs I composed and put in the audio section, as well as a new idea: numerical album re-evulation! That's in the text area. V2.8 (October 22, 2021) - Made my biggest, best, and last RPG Maker game! Also, I finally finished the Wheel of Time books and write my thoughts down. V2.7 (September 16, 2021) - Yes, I skipped a few versions. Deal with it. 27 is a lucky number to me. It's also how old I'm turning in a few days. Might be my last year alive... anyway, my webhost got hacked and I'm starting over and redesigning stuff, removing a bunch of crap. It's sad, it hurts, but I've got to look forward, not back. :( V2.2.5 (August 28, 2021) - Small changes to index, home, and change log. V2.2 (August 23, 2021) - Added a new game review and more to the Wall of Waifu. Also small update to the health journal. V2.1 (August 3, 2021) - I removed a few things and added a few more, as well. Check the game section. Also, the font is now MS Gothic instead of Comic Sans MS, and it's pleasant to look at. Update soon again, hopefully. V2.0 (July 9, 2021) - I added quite a bit, I'd say. There's a new RPGMaker game to download under games. I updated the Sims section and both 2D/3D walls of waifu. There's a game review for Tales of Zestiria and some updates to the Text section and spreadsheets. There are a few more videos, too. Lastly, an entirely new section is up: the Health Journal! V1.9 (June 16, 2021) - I added a third game, a demo of a remake for the first game. There is also a new drawing for the Wheel of Time series and an update to my reading and album cover. V1.8 (May 3, 2021) - I added a TON of new videos! Hope it isn't too much bandwidth. Then again, no one visits my website. Also, I drew so cool pictures from album covers and added them to drawings, and most importantly, I added the last few songs I needed to make my own, official album: Lord Wyrm's "That's Good Cookin'". Find it in the audio section. Oh, and I've been reading a lot. V1.7.5 (April 22, 2021) - Movie/music spreadsheets have been updated, I read two new books, expanded the Wall of Waifu, added new songs I made. V1.7 (March 24, 2021) - I added a lot of cool stuff. There's a new game you can download, a few videos to watch, a drawing, some Sims 4 pics, and more songs I made! Plus, I updated my movies/music spreadsheets. Yay! V1.6.5 (February 26, 2021) - Nothing really changed except I have officially secured as my domain! It's UP! Woohoo!! I hope this wasn't a mistake... V1.6 (February 21, 2021) -I can't believe it! I made 3 songs using Audacity and LMMS and added those to my Audio section. I also made a game in RPG Maker 2003 when I was feeling lonely on Valentine's Day. You can find it in my Games section. V1.5 (February 9, 2021) - Just added a WoW History page and an album of music in the audio section. V1.4 (January 17, 2021) - Oh yeah. Finished the 2D Wall of Waifu! V1.3.5 (January 16, 2021) - Made 2D Wall of Waifu! Well, not quite finished, so that's why it's only version 1.3.5. V1.3 (January 15, 2021) - I updated some of the drawings, changed my file structure, added a pizza and soda page on the bottom of the home page, and I'm probably going to ignore a lot of promises I made earlier about video game clips. Too depresssed... ALSO, the website went down because I was embarrassed but I'm working on making this site good enough for publishing on a better place than Neocities, somewhere with my own domain name for one. V1.2 (December 29, 2020) - In the Game Files section, you can find clips from Audiosurf 2 and a clip of my progress in Dragon Quest XI S on the PS4. V1.1 (December 28, 2020) - I added a Game Files section that isn't being used right now but will be in the future. Any game videos and stuff go there. Also, I added this page of website changes; a changelog, I believe? V1.0 (December 27, 2020) - The website launched. |