Wheel of Time

books by Robert Jordan

Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
Read September 2020 to September 2021
Exquisitely thought out and a pleasure to read. The world feels full of life and is tantalizingly real. That's likely due to Robert Jordan basing most of the names and places on real life references, which, while uncreative, rings true to the theme of the books "recycling" legends and stories through time. Rand, Mat, and Perrin are utter Chads and super awesome, I didn't find Egwene unpleasant unlike some people online, and the pacing was totally fine... until Robert Jordan died.

That's when Brandon Sanderson took over, the nepotistic Mormon. The last 3 books, despite being huge, felt rushed somehow. I think it's the fast food dialogue Brandon likes to write. It's written like a movie. The last book could've easily been split in 2, and should have. I have a theory: Robert Jordan is an admitted freemason. He published book 11 on October 11 (aces and eights, Hebrew chai AKA CIA), then Brandon published A Memory of Light on Jan 8, another one. It's pretty obvious who actually wrote these, but it doesn't spoil my enjoyment too much. All the classics were written by "them" too. I have another theory that forkroot, used to suppress the One Power, is akin to fluoride in the drinking water. Just a thought.

Click here to see how I pictured the characters from the first book, The Eye of the World. A lot of them were formed in my mind's eye when I lived in a group home back in high school and I haven't been able to shake them (like Loial looking like a rock man for some reason). And I stopped trying to make these pictures after just a single book because good golly there are too many characters to keep track of!

Click here to see how I pictured the Forsaken. I think they're pretty accurate except maybe switching Moghedien and Lanfear.

And lastly, below are the covers to the books you can download and use as wallpaper! My favorite cover art is for The Dragon Reborn and The Towers of Midnight.