This rhythm game is among my favorites because it allows nearly
unlimited replayability. Name a song, in practically any digital format, and
you can make a game out of it! Incredible. It can be very hard or very
relaxing depending on which mode you play in, such as ninja mode. When I was a
kid, I played the Sonic Mega Collection on the Gamecube and would motivate
myself to keep going in the hopes that building my skills in the game would
some day impress a girl who I had a crush on at the time. Well, that didn't
work out. For a time, I liked to imagine that if I get a perfect ninja mode
run of all my really difficult songs on Audiosurf 2, then some girl would be
impressed and decide to be my girlfriend. Nowadays, I don't play Audiosurf 2
because it requires Steam and Steam is a garbage platform and company. I was
30 million points away from the 1 billion point achievement! But I guess that
will never happen now...