Shockwave & Flash Games

Use Flashpoint to find and play these
Or use this MSI Shockwave installer and Internet Explorer

Donut Boy

My childhood! These were practically the only computer games my poor old iMac could run, aside from Bugdom and Skittles. A surprising number were mere demos, yet I remember spending many hours playing them and digging for more. 3D Shockwave games appeared around 2003 or 2004 and I couldn't possibly run them; too much processing power! I'd play them on my mom and dad's computers when I saw them at work. A special mention to Fat Boy Raids The Cookie Factory, because I distinctly remember my grandma visiting and how much she liked the game when I showed her. I miss you grandma :(
Tamale Loco 2 Fat Boy Raids The Cookie Factory
Delirium Waterballoon Drop
Scooby Doo & The Hollywood Horror Dexter's Labyrinth
Ed Edd n Eddy: Infect-Ed Hey Arnold Box Tops | Meat Sale